Medical specialist for the maritime and industrial sector
Company Care

Company Care

Port Health Centre provides Company Care to people who temporarily reside in the area of Botlek-Rotterdam, Rotterdam center or Geleen, for their work. Our centre helps you with all your medical care issues. In addition to general care, you can also come to us for minor surgical interventions. If you need to go to hospital, our complete care network offers the advantage of minimum waiting times.
Your employees can quickly resume their duties
Our medical services are aimed at keeping your business going, seven days a week. We believe it is important that employees in need of care can quickly resume their duties. For this reason we offer offer a broad range of customized medical services including on-site consultations, in the Netherlands and abroad. This will not only save you time, but also money.

Would you like to know more about the possibilities? Then please contact us.

"Do you have nursing aboard ships sailing worldwide? Our doctors can provide 24/7 support (by phone or internet) to the nurses."

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