Medical specialist for the maritime and industrial sector
Chemical examinations

Chemical examinations

In some occupational groups employees are exposed to dangerous substances. This kind of environment in combination with physically demanding work, requires a great deal of effort on the part of the employee. It is essential that the locomotor system, the lungs, the heart and the blood vessels, all function well.

The chemical examination is especially for employees who are exposed to chemicals during their work. In principal, when an employee is hired, a ‘0’ measurement is carried out to determine whether an employee is medically fit for the position. During the following examinations, the employee’s current health is compared to the ‘0’ measurement to determine whether an employee is still medically fit.  In addition to the examination itself, the employee receives advice on how to reduce health and safety risks.

The medical examination
During the screening, we examine whether exposure to toxic/chemical substances has caused any damage. The physician also examines the detoxification function of the liver and kidneys. Depending upon the job and the specific protective equipment required, an evaluation follows concerning which safety measures to take and the permitted physical load. There are three categories of chemical examinations: chemical examination, chemical independent respiratory protective equipment and dependent respiratory protective equipment.

Need more information on chemical examinations or want to make an appointment? Then please contact us.
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